February 2014 - ICE Exhibition in London

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Page 23 - Who wins from 'Big Gambling?

Have you ever considered who really wins form Big Gambling?

Statement within this article states - It merely transfers wealth from poor to rich and may in fact reduce economic activity due to diverting gamblers from productive labour.


Unknown said...

Hey Iris

i read the article and it was very interest to me because im not much of a gambler, because to me money is to hard to earn just to throw it away like that. i have just one question for you What do they mean By Big Gambling And what is considered to be Big gambling? i read through the article but i couldnt quite get my head around the concept.

Unknown said...

Interesting thought you have there Dylan. I did some research tonight and this is what I've come up with.

How big is Australia's gambling problem?

21% of the world's poker machines operate in Australia
70% of problem gambling is associated with poker machines
333,000 Australians are problem gamblers
For every one problem gambler, there are at least five and up to 10 people that are affected.
The average spend of a problem gambler is $12,000 per annum, compared with $625 for the rest of the gambling population
2.3% of Australian gamblers account for 35% of the gambling market
The industry takes $11 billion a year.